Welcome back ,
we are going to do is More cookies from Web Exploitation category .
I guess this is going to be a bit complicated as you can see only 27% people achieved it . So let’s give a try.
and like i said this was a bit hard thing , I found a cookie when i intercepted it .
So when i tried to decode it it again returned a huge string .
So I go through a write-up : https://github.com/HHousen/PicoCTF-2021/blob/master/Web%20Exploitation/More%20Cookies/script.py
Thanks to https://github.com/HHousen for that .
and they bit explained about how it works and all. and there was a python code to decrypt it which is already given on that website , but I am giving it below .
import requests
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from tqdm import tqdm# Bit flip code based on https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/66086.
# we need to decode from base64 twice because the cookie was encoded twice.
def bit_flip(pos, bit, data):
raw = b64decode(b64decode(data).decode())list1 = bytearray(raw)
list1[pos] = list1[pos] ^ bit
raw = bytes(list1)
return b64encode(b64encode(raw)).decode()cookie = "<your string>"
for position_idx in tqdm(range(10), desc="Bruteforcing Position"):
# The 96 really should be 128 to test every bit, but 96 worked for me.
for bit_idx in tqdm(range(96), desc="Bruteforcing Bit"):
auth_cookie = bit_flip(position_idx, bit_idx, cookie)
cookies = {'auth_name': auth_cookie}
r = requests.get('http://mercury.picoctf.net:<your port>/', cookies=cookies)
if "picoCTF{" in r.text:
# The flag is between `<code>` and `</code>`
print("Flag: " + r.text.split("<code>")[1].split("</code>")[0])
You have to edit the code where i shown <your string> on variable ck and <your port > on variable r . ck is the string when you inspect the element and r is the website url from the description of more cookies or your more cookies website port number .
Save this code with a python extension .py
and run .
It’s a brute forcing code which will probably take some time .
And finally there it is ,
Thank you .
watch and share 😇
See you on another Blog .