Hello folks,
Myself Shan, A CSE Student from India also an enthusiast of CyberSecurity. I posts content of security also security awareness posts etc.

SpiderSuite is a tool used for advance crawling of webpages having multiple features. It is a GUI tool created using C++ Qt framework.
Features of SpiderSuite:
Spider Suite can be used for:
- Mapping attack surface of target.
- Analyzing individual pages within the attack surface.
- Visualizing attack surfaces produced by other tools.
- Simply download the package from releases here.

I downloaded the AppImage file that is already executable.
2. In terminal > chmod +x SpiderSuite_v1.0.0_linux.AppImage
then, > ./SpiderSuite_v1.0.0_linux.AppImage

Enter the URL in Enter URL Box. I use https://hackerone.com. As a result

We can use List/ Tree according to our comfort.
There are tools such as Decoder, Comparer and SSL Certificate Viewer. There is also a passive crawler in the Menu Bar.
One of the feature of the SpiderSuite is Mapping the attack surface as we have shown above.

We can analyze each page and the Request/Response headers and path’s etc.
The Graph is a cool feature that shows the data’s by categorizing the whole data’s.

In the Preference Tab We can set the numbers for the following:
There is also an option to save the current working project into the System.
We can edit the request for sending repeatly and also filtering options for regex and normal is available.
According to me this finds out to be a very great tool that can be used for crawling and for the recon.
Thanks and claps for the team who works behind it as this is a very great tool for recon and useful for bug hunters, Web Pentesters etc.
I have covered all the basic usage of the tool SpiderSuite. It is meant to be an introductory blog to the new users.
Thanks to the Developers who worked behind the SpiderSuite. Thanks to the main developer of the SpiderSuite is 3nock.
Thanks to all the readers who loved my blog. Kindly support and share.
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